
Guangdong Hongming Intelligent Joint Stock Co.,Ltd

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HM-650A-X Glue and spotter machine
HM-650A-X Glue and spotter machine HM-650A-X Glue and spotter machine
  • Commodity name:

    HM-650A-X Glue and spotter machine
  • Shelf time:

    2024-08-24 15:51:28
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  • HM-650A-X Glue and spotter machine product introductionHM-650A-X Gluing and spotter machine is suitable for thepositioning process production of various rigid box. This machineadopts traditional mecha
  • Details of the product

HM-650A-X Glue and spotter machine product introduction

HM-650A-X Gluing and spotter machine is suitable for the
positioning process production of various rigid box. This machine
adopts traditional mechanical Feeder system, robot and touch
screen man-machine control system, and high-speed scanning
positioning system to realize automatic positioning of rigid box.
The positioning part adopts the method of servo synchronous
belt module + optical fiber moving scanning surface paper, and
external encoder, which improves the positioning accuracy and
efficiency, and the error range is 0.1-0.2mm.

HM-650A-X Glue and spotter machine  unit features and standard equipment

1. Suit to all kinds of paper and box shells
positioning process;
2. Automatic feed paper;
3. Timing automatic heating control system;
4. Robot grabs;
5. Automatic feed paper
Remarks: Run-stop function is optional;

The main technical parameters of HM-650A-X Glue and spotter machine



Due to the continuous product improvement, the photos and parameters are for your reference only.

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