
Guangdong Hongming Intelligent Joint Stock Co.,Ltd

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HM-650A/850A  Automatic gluing machine
  • Commodity name:

    HM-650A/850A Automatic gluing machine
  • Shelf time:

    2021-08-04 17:13:15
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  • Hongming machinery mainly produce Automatic rigid box machine, rigid box maker, rigid box line, gluing machine, box wrapping machine, box maker, ect. These machines are widely used to making rigid box, fancy box, custom box, cell phone boxes, chocolate boxes, etc.
  • Details of the product

Features and functions:

HM-650A/850A Automatic gluing machine is a machine used for cover paper gluing. It adopts rubber wheel paper sending system substitute feeding paper manually.Totally improve your production efficiency and save your labor.

Main parameters:


Note: optional with one go and one stop function.

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