
Guangdong Hongming Intelligent Joint Stock Co.,Ltd

HM-GH30C Double-Path Cover Box Machine
HM-GH30C Double-Path Cover Box Machine HM-GH30C Double-Path Cover Box Machine
  • Commodity name:

    HM-GH30C Double-Path Cover Box Machine
  • Shelf time:

    2024-08-26 08:47:27
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  • HM-GH30C Double-Path Cover Box Machine product introductionHM-GH30C Cover Box Machine is an automatic equipment for the productionof cover box process of various top boxes and bottom boxes in automati
  • Details of the product

HM-GH30C Double-Path Cover Box Machine product introduction

HM-GH30C Cover Box Machine is an automatic equipment for the production
of cover box process of various top boxes and bottom boxes in automatic
production lines.
This machine adopts the two-way cover box working mode. It uses the upper
and lower structure. The top box is continuously feed into the machine from the
upper conveyor belt, and the bottom box is intermittently hooked into the machine
from the lower layer. When positioning, the two-way rotating cover box method is
adopted, and then the machine will bring two queues together when the boxes are
coming out. The whole machine is controlled by PLC, and the working parameters
are set by the touch screen.

HM-GH30C Double-Path Cover Box Machine unit features and standard equipment

1. Suitable for assembly line of automatic production lines;
2. Automatic production of cover box processes for various top boxes and bottom boxes;
3. Aopt Module Robot Arm positioning;
4. Adopts PLC automatic control, touch screen man-machine interface to set working parameters;
5. Auto error stop and display;

The main technical parameters of HM-GH30C Double-Path Cover Box Machine


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