
Guangdong Hongming Intelligent Joint Stock Co.,Ltd

位置:首頁 > Products > Molded Pulp machine
HM-QB1080 Molded pulp Tray trimming
HM-QB1080 Molded pulp Tray trimming HM-QB1080 Molded pulp Tray trimming
  • Commodity name:

    HM-QB1080 Molded pulp Tray trimming
  • Shelf time:

    2021-11-20 10:33:58
  • Browse times:

  • Automatic rigid box machine, rigid box line, Set up box machine, cardboard box machine, mobile phone box machine,paper box machine, cosmetic box machine
  • Details of the product

Product Description :

This machine is used to separate the product and the waste edge after forming the continuous mold or single mold folding product, which is suitable for the product trimming process in the molded pulp tray production line.

Process flow:

 1,The machine adopts high quality carbon steel after welding and then annealing process to ensure stable performance.

2,Adopt hydraulic system gamete mother cylinder structure, take into account the requirements of speed and pressure .

3,Separation of finished waste products, facilitate the processing of products.

4,Adopt PLC+ touch screen man-machine control system to set production parameters.

5,Auto error stop and display.

6,Manual feeding mode production。


Proudction Flow:


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